
Tradition, the roots of the name of János Arany, obliged us to sign the Ikerváros Charter, which was ratified on 22 October 1991 with the then Mayor of Municipality of Greater Salonika Mihoe Matei. The urban cooperation has always been complete with close church ties and the presence of the Arany János Museum. On 1 March 1992, on the occasion of the 175th anniversary of the birth of János Arany, a bronze statue of János Arany was unveiled in Nagyszalonta. The statue was created and donated to the town by István Kiss, a Kossuth Prize-winning sculptor, who was born in Nagyszalonta. Dr. László Novák delivered the statue to Nagyszalonta. The unveiling ceremony was attended by. Bertalan Andrásfalvy, Minister of Culture of the Hungarian Government, Dr. Mihály Czine and Dr. Béla G. Németh, academics, Sándor Csoóri, President of the World Federation of Hungarians, Dr. Sándor Kulin, Member of Parliament of Nagykőrös. Kamilla Dévai Nagy and György Bánffy contributed to the ceremony. Every year, on the birthday of János Arany, a delegation from Nagykőrös visits Nagyszalonta. On the anniversary of János Arany's death, a ballad competition is organised in Nagykőrös. Contestants from Transylvania also come regularly. Several family links have been established over the years.