In June 1991 in a small Swiss town. Mayor János Kiss in Solothurn, at a concert with the Weiner Leó Music School Youth Wind Orchestra. Here he met Dr. László Ódor, Hungary's Ambassador to Switzerland. After learning of his intention to establish a partnership with Switzerland, he suggested that Nagykőrös should become a twin town of Thun, where the Hungarian Cultural Centre was inaugurated by President Árpád Göncz in May 1991. Following a letter of intent from the two towns, an invitation was sent to Thun, Switzerland, on 25 April 1992, where the details and conditions of the cooperation were discussed. It was agreed, among other things, on the terms of educational and cultural cooperation, within the framework of which students from Nagykőrös could study in Switzerland, with a higher knowledge of 3 languages - English, German, French. This condition was fulfilled by a student from Nagykőrös who graduated in 1999 as a gastronomy specialist in Switzerland. /Her name is Henriett Harsányi./ The Swiss are cautious and have not yet signed the twinning document.